How to check if a program is installed or not?
import (
func isCommandAvailable(name string) bool {
cmd := exec.Command("command", "-v", name)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return false
return true
func TestIsCommandAvailable(t *testing.T) {
if isCommandAvailable("ls") == false {
t.Error("ls command does not exist!")
if isCommandAvailable("ls111") == true {
t.Error("ls111 command should not exist!")
How to know the path where a program is installed?
package main
import (
func main() {
programName:= "ionice"
if err!=nil{
fmt.Printf("Failed to detect the path of %q. Reason: %q.\n",programName,err.Error())
fmt.Printf("Program %q installed in %q directory.\n",programName,installationPath)
How to force go build
to use vendor?
go build -mod vendor ./...